You can take back control.
Therapy for work-related burnout
Do you feel that you cannot bear another day of work, but you feel trapped as if you have no other choice?
In the last several years, people….whether in management or as an employee…are experiencing burnout due to toxic work environments. Work is much like a family in that you spend a lot of time with these folks. If it is a functional, healthy environment, it is a happy place to be. However, if it is dysfunctional, it can be a nightmare. As a public school educator, I have spent almost 30 years in a demanding career field in both classroom and in administrative positions. I have experienced the positive and the negative and I know what it is like to feel that there are no other options than to just remain miserable. However, all hope is not lost….
You’re ready to thrive once again (or perhaps for the first time), but you are not sure how.
How therapy works
You can work and be happy simultaneously!
It can sometimes feel as if the world is heaping expectations upon you. It can feel as if your true self—who you actually are is buried further and further under a pile of others’ requirements, requests and opinions. However, it is possible to go to work and to be happy. It is possible to experience a healthy work environment. It is possible for others to respect your gifts, skills and talents. It is possible for your hard work to be valued.