Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am located in Plano and in Frisco., TX I office part-time in each location.

  • I provide clients with a zoom link prior to the appointment. That same zoom link will be used for all future online appointments with that client.

  • Yes, I offer boh in-person and telehealth.

  • $120 per session. There are specific benefits to not utilizing insurance for therapy, two of which are more freedom for clients and therapists to make treatment decisions and increased confidentiality. I accept cash, most major credit cards and health savings account cards.

  • I will review administrative items wth you for the first few moments of the appointment. I will also spend some time getting to know you. We can usually finalize treatment goals by the second session.

  • I do not consider therapy to be a one-size fits all approach. Everyone is different. The length of therapy can depend upon many factors, such as a client’s goals for therapy, frequency of sessions, issues and challenges, etc. I help clients create a treatment plan that meets their specific needs.

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